Top Replica Rolex Submariner 116619LB “Smurf” Blue Ceramic White Gold

Top Replica Rolex Submariner 116619LB “Smurf” Blue Ceramic White Gold

Rolex is a well-known brand. Rolex is popular with people because of its practicality and decency. Today I mainly want to share with you a watch from the Rolex Replica Submariner: Rolex Submariner 116619LB. This watch is a blue and white watch. Blue is a favorite color of many people. It represents the spirit of a broad mind and never giving up. Next, let me introduce this top replica Rolex watch to you.

Appearance Design

Top Rolex Submariner 116619LB “Smurf” Blue Ceramic White Gold
Top Rolex Submariner 116619LB “Smurf” Blue Ceramic White Gold

The bezel and dial of this watch imitation are in blue. The strap is silver-white. This two-color design is simple and it can leave a deep impression easily. Ceramic material is used on the bezel of this Rolex replica. This material is harder and wear-resistant. The larger pointer on the dial makes it easier to read the time. There are white scales on the blue dial. This provides a basis for clear reading.

The strap of this watch imitation uses a high-quality new clamshell buckle with a polished crown logo. The perfect cloned watch has a case that is 40.5 mm long and 13 mm thick. Although the actual area of the case of this top replica Rolex watch is large, the visual area is too small. Therefore, the case of this watch does not look abrupt. On the whole, the design of this watch is very successful.

Detail Design

The details of these replica Rolex Submariner watches are well designed. Its colors are all bright colors. And the rotating feel of the blue ceramic bezel is better than that of the general replica watch. There is no difference in the design of the platinum scale of the ceramic bezel, no matter the shade or the color. The polished time scales look very round. The printed fonts on the dial look full of three-dimensionality. The size and spacing of each font are consistent with Rolex watches.

Top Rolex Submariner 116619LB “Smurf” Blue Ceramic White Gold3
Top Rolex Submariner 116619LB “Smurf” Blue Ceramic White Gold3

The pointer handling is also very good. There are no burrs on the pointer. The side of the replica Rolex watch is finely polished. The thickness is consistent with the original. The inside of the bottom cover is also brushed and polished. There are also precious metal marks. This kind of perfect detail design is very successful for exact Rolex replica watches.

Overall, this watch is a very good replica Rolex watch. This watch uses a stainless steel strap with a perfect solid end link. In addition, the strap is also equipped with smooth screws. This clever design is perfect. This watch is also waterproof. But its waterproof depth is only 50 meters, which is not as good as the Rolex Submariner 116619LB. Of course, I do not recommend wearing it when swimming. After all, this is a fake Rolex watch, and its waterproof effect needs to be improved.

The Rolex watch is a very successful watch. Rolex Submariner is one of the most popular categories of Rolex watches. The 116619LB successful replica watch we introduced today is also one of Rolex’s most popular watches. Blue is the color of the sea and this watch originally is for divers. The color design and the design concept coincide. This makes this watch more meaningful. There are too many successful top replica watches of Rolex, and I only introduce one of them today. Do you like this watch?