Rolex Replica Yacht-Master 116689 44MM White Dial

Rolex Replica Yacht-Master 116689 44MM White Dial

Rolex Yacht-Master is a complex new timepiece with a comprehensive breakthrough. Rolex has spent more than ten years of hard work on this series. A watch was developed for ten years to achieve its super stability and make it a classic. This series of watches is a secret timing tool created for yacht racing. It is the first rowing timer with a mechanical memory countdown function. Today we will talk about Rolex Replica Yacht-Master 116689.

Watch Design

Rolex Replica Yacht-Master 116689 44MM White Dial
Rolex Replica Yacht-Master 116689 44MM White Dial

The Rolex replica Yacht-Master 116689 is a white gold imitation watch. It has a platinum bezel. The scale on the bezel is sharp and eye-catching. The 44 mm diameter case makes Yacht-Master the largest watch in the brand. Moreover, it is also the most complex model launched by the brand to date. Rolex replica rarely make complicated watches but prefer simple and elegant three-hand chronographs. This watch is specially designed for those who participate in sailing regattas. It is equipped with a 10-minute programmable countdown timer and mechanical memory. And it can instantly synchronize the watch with the official sailing timer to ensure the accuracy of timekeeping.

Bezel Design

This Rolex replica watch has a unique and practical bezel. Rotate the bezel 90 degrees counterclockwise, and then we can set the countdown time through the winding crown. Then, return it to the starting position and remember the desired countdown time setting. Then, the start and stop process is controlled by the buttons located at the bright spot and four points. This bezel design is very complicated, but the effect is good surprisingly. The bezel is the most unique design of this fake watch and the most important part of timekeeping.

Dial Design

Rolex Replica Yacht-Master 116689 44MM White Dial
Rolex Replica Yacht-Master 116689 44MM White Dial

The replica Rolex dial of this watch is very different from the dials of other series of Rolex watches. Its time scale is a square box scale. There is a 10-minute countdown arc on the dial. In addition to the three commonly used pointers, there is also a countdown pointer on the dial. This dial design is not available in other fake Rolex series. It is very different, but this also shows its strong practical performance.

In general, the Rolex replica Yacht-Master 116689 is a very unique watch. It is also one of the most impressive products so far. The exterior design of this watch is not only unique but also complex. Although it is designed for sailing regattas, this watch is also suitable for wearing in daily life. It can be worn as a sports watch with sports clothing. This replica Yacht-Master watch is a very rare watch. The shape design is complicated, but the elements of the composition are simple. When people wear this watch, they also feel very harmonious.

I have to admit that this watch is a very successful watch. The same is true for its replica watch because it is still replicated successfully even no matter how complicated it is. What do you think?