Rolex Replica Watch Yacht-Master 169623 Blue Dial

Rolex Replica Watch Yacht-Master 169623 Blue Dial

Yacht-Master Rolex Watch is a sports watch. This female Rolex replica watch continues the unique elements of the series: a blue dial with a protruding scale bezel. This beautiful replica watch is very sporty. The watch to be introduced today is a watch with a blue theme. Blue means sky. When people see blue, it’s like seeing the vast ocean. It makes people feel free.

Rolex Fake Watch Dial

Rolex Replica Yacht-Master 169623 Blue Dial
Rolex Replica Yacht-Master 169623 Blue Dial

The blue dial makes this watch look more layered. The color of the dial is very close to the original color. There are delicate radial patterns on the dial. The golden hands and hour markers make this best replica Rolex watch more eye-catching. The blue dial not only presents a perfect texture, but also makes the watch look more restrained. This fake Rolex watch has a date display window at 3 o’clock. The hour markers on the dial are coated with luminous material. Even in the dark, we can read the time clearly.

Rolex Imitation Case

Rolex Replica Yacht-Master 169623 Blue Dial-case
Rolex Replica Yacht-Master 169623 Blue Dial-case

The 29mm case does not make this replica Rolex watch look small because of its large bezel design. The bezel is not only integrated with the case highly, but also connected to the strap seamlessly. It can be seen that this blue watch Rolex replica is very meticulous in appearance details. Frosted embossed fonts are used on the bezel. The platinum gold of the replica watch is also very shiny. If you look at this imitation Rolex watch carefully, you will find that the bezel scale of this watch has a perfect luster, and the font has been very finely polished.

The Rolex logo on the side has been polished and rounded, so the watch looks bright and has a good texture. The back of the Rolex fake watch adopts a dense bottom design, and the stability is a few numbers. In general, this watch has a full sense of three-dimensionality from the appearance point of view. It contrasts sharply with the dial.

Fake Watch Bracelet

Rolex Replica Yacht-Master 169623 Blue Dial-bracelet
Rolex Replica Yacht-Master 169623 Blue Dial-bracelet

The bracelet of this precise copy Rolex watch is made of immortality. The bracelet is perfectly polished, and the drawing is delicate. Therefore, this exact replica Rolex watch looks very bright, almost exactly the same as the original watch bracelet. But this watch has a disadvantage. When the perfect cloned watch Rolex touches a hard object, it is prone to scratches. Thus, please be careful when wearing it. Because this Rolex replica watch is a sporty watch, the clasp of this watch is quite special. It uses an insurance deduction. There is a small lock on the outside of the insurance. This design prevents accidental opening of the bracelet.

Although the diameter of this replica watch Rolex is small, the blue dial and gold case can express the overall feeling vividly. This watch is a bit heavy. Although this is a replica Yacht-Master Rolex watch, its weight is acceptable to ladies. This type of fake Rolex watch is a professional women’s sports watch. If you also like sports, then this watch is your best choice.