Rolex Replica Oyster Perpetual Date 15200 Salmon Dial

Rolex Replica Oyster Perpetual Date 15200 Salmon Dial

In recent years, Rolex attaches great importance to the use of color dials. More and more color dials are introduced. And the size of the watch is also very different. The style of the watch is not limited to men and women. Today we will introduce an Oyster Perpetual Date Watch with a pink dial. The Oyster Perpetual series not only contains simple and beautiful shapes but can also operate accurately in different environments. So, we will introduce this Rolex Replica Oyster Perpetual Date 15200 Salmon Dial from three aspects.

Rolex Replica Appearance Design

Rolex Replica Oyster Perpetual Date 15200 Salmon Dial
Rolex Replica Oyster Perpetual Date 15200 Salmon Dial

The dial of the Rolex Replica Oyster Perpetual Date 15200 is crystal clear and full of girlishness. The color design is more intuitive than the excellent performance of this watch. It can make a deep impression. Although the layout of this replica Rolex is simple, it does not make people feel monotonous. The most novelty of this perfect cloned watch is the simple tick mark. In fact, this purely colored bezel is more integrated with the watch. It not only inherits the classic aesthetic elements of the classic Oyster watch, but also innovates watch performance with the development of technology.

Replica Rolex Case and Dial Design

Rolex Replica Oyster Perpetual Date 15200 Salmon Dial
Rolex Replica Oyster Perpetual Date 15200 Salmon Dial

This watch imitation uses a typical Oyster case. The bezel is very bright after polishing. The pink dial with radioactive texture makes the watch magnificent. The dial inlaid with three-dimensional hour markers and Arabic numerals. The classic three-pin design presents a distinctive three-dimensional beauty. This watch has a calendar window display function. The diameter of the watch is 34 mm. A waterproof screw-in crown is used on the side. The bottom cover type is a screw-in triangular pit pattern. So the watch also equips with an Oyster three-link strap and safety clasp.

Fake Rolex Detail Design

Rolex Replica Oyster Perpetual Date 15200 Salmon Dial
Rolex Replica Oyster Perpetual Date 15200 Salmon Dial

The color of the font on the dial, the time scale, and the printing process are basically the same as the original, making it difficult to distinguish. The crown logo shape at 12 o’clock is also well-done. The design of the nails is as sleek as the original. The nail scales on the dial of the replica watch coated with a layer of luminous material. The unconventional luminous function is also one of the new features of the replica Rolex. The lines on the case are well-proportioned and soft, and the size remains the same as the original. The junction between the strap and the case reproduced seamlessly. The radians are kept the same. Its detailed design is almost comparable to the original.

Although the functions of the Rolex replica Oyster Perpetual Date series watches are simple, its performance is very outstanding. The dial uses a gentle pink. All in all, this kind of color scheme is very easy to make people throb and demonstrates the fashion charm of Rolex indirectly.