Replica Automatic Rolex Day-Date 118208 with White Dial

Replica Automatic Rolex Day-Date 118208 with White Dial

Automatic Rolex replica Day-Date is a watch with the title of Rolex President. This kind of title is not groundless. It used to be worn by the President of the United States and the world-class VIPs. It not only represents wealth but also combines timing and influence power. The replica watch Rolex has got impressive power. Gold is a representative color of luxury. More and more elites and successful men tend to buy Day-Date more watches when buying replica Rolex watches because of the use of this gold color. Next, we will recommend the Rolex replica watches Day-Date 116208 white dial.


Automatic Rolex replica Day-Date 118208 Dial

The dial of Rolex replica Day-Date watch 118208 is white. The design of this dial is quite unique. The scale on the dial is a Roman scale. There is a day display window at 12 o’clock and a date display window at 3 o’clock. In other words, this fake watch Rolex not only has the function of reading the time, but also the function of reading the week and date. The Roman scales on the dial and the hour markers use the color of luxurious gold. The color design just echoes the color of the bracelet.


Automatic Rolex replica Day-Date 118208 Case

This replica Rolex watch has a case made of grade 316 stainless steel. The diameter of the case is 36mm. This watch replica case uses a thin and smooth bezel. The use of this bezel not only highlights the visual area of the dial but also facilitates clear reading. The color of the case and the color of the Roman scale echo shows the luxurious beauty.

Movement and Bracelet

Automatic Rolex replica Day-Date 118208 bracelet and movement

The movement of this Rolex watch replica uses an Asian automatic movement. This movement can ensure the precise time. It not only has high performance but also has a luxurious appearance. The bracelet is made of stainless steel with gold-plated. Although this bracelet is not as valuable as a gold one, it is not inferior in appearance. Many people like this Rolex watch imitation because of the luxurious temperament. This golden watch is a symbol of status and identity and it is also the watch that people want to have. Although this watch is a Rolex replica watch, the beauty it highlights is pretty full of conquest.

The main feature of the perfection cloned watch Automatic Rolex Day-Date 118208 with White Dial is luxury style. The main color is gold. The use of white on the dial is also to highlight the status of gold and the luxury style better. This kind of exact watch replica Rolex combines timeless design concepts and functions to create a watch with outstanding performance. The watch under the sun exudes elegant and noble light. Its noble and luxurious appearance confirms its eternity in the history of time. Such a Day-Date watch is very dazzling when worn on the wrist. This one can truly be called a copy watch of Rolex President.