Beautiful Rolex Replica DayDate 118346 Blue Dial

Beautiful Rolex Replica DayDate 118346 Blue Dial

In 1956, Rolex launched Rolex DayDate replica. This series is the first waterproof self-winding observatory-certified watch equipped with a modern calendar and instantaneous week display. The entire series of watches mainly inherit the classics of Rolex. It also has many successful replica Rolex watches. Today I will introduce to you a beautiful Rolex Replica DayDate 118346 Blue Dial.

Rolex Replica DayDate Case

Beautiful Rolex Replica DayDate 118346 Blue Dial
Beautiful Rolex Replica DayDate 118346 Blue Dial

The polished case is not only bright but also smooth. It improves people’s visual experience. The bezel of this replica watch is a bezel inlaid with diamonds. Of course, this diamond is actually a diamond imitation. However, this fake watch has a high degree of similarity. Its diamond size and appearance are consistent, and the arrangement of fake diamonds on the bezel has also been designed carefully. It can be seen that this replica Rolex watch also pays great attention to details. There is only one crown on the side of the watch. Therefore, the overall watch looks more concise and clear. This is a Rolex imitation watch DayDate for men with a 36mm case, but I think it is more suitable for girls. The appearance of the watch is simple, which can highlight the advantages of women better.

Replica Rolex DayDate Dial

Beautiful Rolex Replica DayDate 118346 Blue DIAL
Beautiful Rolex Replica DayDate 118346 Blue DIAL

The design of the dial is one of my favorite designs, especially the color combination of this watch. The pale blue dial makes the whole watch more elegant and clear. The unique blue embodies the elegance of this watch perfectly. The design of this color can improve the aesthetics of the watch greatly. The watch uses a diamond scale. There is also a date display window and full weekday box on the bezel.

The pointer is the simplest pointer design. Therefore, the dial of the entire watch looks very simple. It is easy for everyone to read the time. The outer ring of the watch dial has Roman scales. In other words, this perfect cloned watch combines diamond scale and Roman scale. This provides convenience and accuracy when reading the time. The design of the dial is the most beautiful existence of this watch. It also left a deep impression on me.

Rolex Fake DayDate Bracelet

Beautiful Rolex Replica DayDate 118346 Blue Dial
Beautiful Rolex Replica DayDate 118346 Blue Dial

The strap is very smooth after processing. The strap with three links is also very classic. The Rolex logo on the strap is also perfect. The hidden clasp makes the entire watch replica Rolex look more beautiful. The details of the strap are also very meticulous. The links of the strap are well connected and spaced the same. This design guarantees the robustness of the watch.

There are many types of replica Rolex DayDate watches, but few have such a clear dial like this. It combines the classic Rolex and has a DayDate design. It can be said that this is a combination of classics and fashion. The blue dial makes people want to get close and want to have it. I wonder if you like this watch?